Thursday, October 25, 2012

A Science Myth of The Soul


Soul is view as a living essence inside any living things from human to animals, trees, and objects. In history, soul was mentions in almost every single culture and religion. As far back as pre-history, more than 4000BC, there has been the mention of souls. In Ancient Egypt, it is called the “Ba” and is defined as an aspect of a person that would live on after the body died. It is sometimes depicted as a human-headed bird flying out of the tomb after a person died. Buddhism believes that there is life after death and that every tree, rock have a soul in them. A human in this life can die and be reborn as an animal, or tree in the next life depend on his acts in the previous life, better known as karma.
“Ancient Egyptian concept the soul” December 2011, Oct 20, 2012 Web

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