Thursday, October 25, 2012

A Science Myth of The Soul


In modern religious like Judaism, there is always the mention of souls. They believe that souls, or spirits, are given by god to the human by his or her first breath. Unlike Buddhism however, the Judaism doesn’t believe in life after death. They believe that all soul would return to god after a person passed away. Or in Catholic, the soul of every one of us after we passed away will be judged by god, and live an eternity after in Heaven or Hell. There is uncertainty among different branches of Christian that at which point of a human life that he, or she acquired soul, hence the idea that abortion is illegal. There are many different believes in Catholic at who or what create souls, some believes that God creates them. Some believes that the parents do.
“Ancient Egyptian concept the soul” December 2011, Oct 20, 2012 Web

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